Despite What You May Think...Or What You’ve Been Told,
Your TN Visa Does Not Need To Be Difficult. My
TN Visa Expert Kit Has Helped Over 13,000 People Simplify This Process.

I believe in the idea that immigration can be affordable and easy... so I literally created a business to help others.

September 08, 2024


Dear Friend of TN Visa Expert,

To tell you the truth, it all started in 2000 after personally experiencing the most exhaustive, intrusive and demeaning predicament of my life, while obtaining my TN Visa (officially known as the TN Status.)

I’ve experienced it all... possible denial of admission, reviewing other TN Status self-help products, obtaining legal counsel, and even re-applying a second time before finally gaining admission into the U.S.’s completely ridiculous!

Most of all, it is unfortunate. I’ve had to see and live through the not-so-nice side of the “system.” I have been exposed to the stress, frustration and high costs associated with trying to successfully obtain this type of visa, as well as trying to understand which methods work and don't work at the border inspection points.

This is exactly why TN Visa Expert was created. So you don’t have to experience the same disheartening situations I have...

I’ve seen the many conflicting points and listened to skewed advice when searching the internet about the difficulty of this visa process... I’m here to tell you that this should actually be a quick and easy order to ease your mind I’ve compiled tons of information over the years and provided it for free at

But, then I ran into another problem...I realized that this free information only scratched the surface of the core things you need to know to seamlessly cross the border.

So, I worked for countless months and took this information and education to a new level.

Born was the TN Visa Expert Kit... a collection of resources compiled into one kit that is a life saver when it comes to TN Visas...

...supplying you with all of the INFORMATION you’ll need, including
how to properly FILL OUT all the documents, TN Visa sample LETTERS, inside information on how immigration officers think and official border INTERVIEW questions...

It even has guidelines to help you obtain a job if you have not already done so. In addition to the TN Visa Expert Kit I also offer my assistance with any questions along the way.

The TN Visa Expert Kit has helped over 13,000 people obtain a TN-1 Visa, with significantly less stress by virtually eliminating surprises along the way... keeping them on track and avoiding application denial.


TestimonialI had a great experience with TN Visa Expert. Firstly, let me address some of the comments I am reading about what is available on "google". Yes there is great information out there just by Googling. However. I am a busy professional who prefers one stop shopping and did not have time, nor the desire to filter out all the good from the bad advice on the internet. TN Visa Expert has been one stop shopping for me. I used the TN Visa Platinum kit to obtain my work visa and then used the marriage visa service to get my Green Card. All went very smooth and happened a bit faster than anticipated. I followed their system 100% and now it's all done. I live permanently in the U.S. now. The TN Visa Expert programs come highly recommended by me!
Thank you TN Visa Expert Team!!
Google Review Verified Stamp True Shield

- Brian H. Munroe
Works at MTI Learning Inc
Originally from Ottawa, now working in MN, USA


I am going to tell you how you can do the same in a bit, but before I do that, I’m going to let you in on something, so I can make sure you have ABSOLUTELY ZERO confusion about this Kit.

When 13,000 people followed these 3 criteria they were able to cross within 1 WEEK (some in as few as 3 days):

Criteria 1: First Meet the Requirements

Here is the list of TN Status requirements.

checkmarkProof of citizenship of Canadian, Mexican or American

checkmarkMexicans require going to the Embassy (details in the TN Kit)

checkmarkLetter from prospective employer

checkmarkJob title and detailed summary of your duties (job description)

checkmarkProof of employment will be temporary; no more than 3 yrs.

checkmarkArrangement of payment for your services

checkmarkProof you possess the required NAFTA occupation credentials

checkmarkFiling fee: $50 USD and Form I-94 fee: $6 USD (for land border entry only)

Additional documentation may be required at the border for certain NAFTA Occupations. The TN Visa Expert Kit provides specific details for these highly scrutinized occupations to avoid delays and denials.

Criteria 2: Create a Valid Application

Your TN Visa Application can be heavily scrutinized and if not done correctly can mean immediate refusal and therefore is essential to the success of your TN Status approval...

As in any situation in life, it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared. One key way to show the officer who is conducting the border interview, you are well prepared is by providing a well written clear application letter, providing additional supporting documentation, showing you are knowledgeable about the process and being able to prove that you qualify.

I cannot stress enough how important this application letter is!!!

The most challenging part of the TN Visa Application Letter is clearly outlining the information needed to successfully compose your letter. Since it is a free form style, meaning there is no structured government form, you want to know what to write and what not to write so as to avoid raising questions and suspicions to whether you qualify.

So keep in mind, you are convincing the immigration officer that you and the job meet the NAFTA requirements and they have specific checklists and are looking for very specific information. It is crucial to be aware that if you leave out information or provide incorrect information, it can mean immediate refusal or a more heavily scrutinized border interview.

...don’t be discouraged, I will show you how.


TestimonialYou can't go wrong with TN Visa Expert. I followed the instructions in the platinum kit which were clear and easy to follow and a month later I obtained my tn visa to work in Canada for 3 years.But the best part was the incredible after purchase service I received. I emailed because I had a few remaining questions regarding my status and Gulam not only answered them but also gave me additional helpful information. He also pointed me in the right direction to address some of my cross border tax concerns. I was thoroughly impressed.
Nowadays, once you make a purchase the customer service goes down. Not here.

Google Review Verified Stamp True Shield

- Kathya Bustamante
Management Consultant
Originally from New York, now working in B.C., Canada

Using the TN Visa Expert Custom Sample Letters,
provided in the TN Visa Expert Kit, as a reference will allow
you to accurately create your TN Visa Application Letter.

The TN Visa Custom Sample Letters contains the essential information for your reference:

Whom to address the TN Letter to

How to state your NAFTA Occupation

How to state your Job Title (even if it doesn't match up)

How to format your letter to ensure the Immigration Officer can easily find what he is looking for

How to explain your company information

How to explain your education and work experience

How to show your remuneration

How to make the 1 or 3 year TN Visa Request

AND to help you further, you also receive 15 easy STEP by STEP instructions explaining how to use the sample letters and create your own application letter.

This is all included in the TN Visa Expert Kit so you can easily and quickly create your application letter.

Criteria 3: Be Prepared for The Border Interview

The most important thing you should know is the Immigration Officer’s main concern is not the new life you’re trying to create for you and your family or the incredible job opportunity that lies before you, but rather the security of their country’s borders and whether you really qualify.

They are going to pick your application apart in order to assure you do not present a security risk - and they are certainly not concerned about your feelings. is the crazy part

Your application can be valid and you can still get denied!

That is why it is imperative that you are aware of and educated on the TN Visa Application Process so you can confidently answer questions and request your TN Visa correctly.

These are some of the leading causes of success and rejection:

Why Your TN Visa Will be Rejected:

checkmarkYou say the wrong thing at the Border Interview

checkmarkYou arrive at the wrong time to the border

checkmarkYour TN Visa Application Letter is not correctly prepared

checkmarkYou do not understand your rights under NAFTA and the TN Visa

How to Successfully Obtain Your TN Visa:

checkmarkKnow the Questions that will be asked at the Border Interview

checkmarkUse a Custom Sample TN Visa Letter for your NAFTA Occupation to Create Your Valid Application Letter

checkmarkBe well informed of the TN Visa, the TN Application Process, and Your Legal Rights

Again...this may sound scary or discouraging, but don’t worry my TN Visa Expert Kit is here for you.

Within this kit you will be provided a service no one else offers... In fact I’ve created an entire chapter dedicated to this preparation. Even most lawyers you would hire and pay thousands of dollars to prepare your application doesn’t provide you interview coaching or border preparation.


TestimonialI'm Mexican, renewing for second time my TN Visa at Ciudad Juarez Consulate, my previous time I hired a lawyer, very expensive by the way, but for this renewal I didn't want to pay so much, I did a little research on the internet and I came across with TN Visa Expert, I bought the kit, for about 2% the cost of the lawyer, take a look, and I got impressed by the accuracy of the document, I compare my two previous TN applications with the information given in the TN Visa Expert and it was the same. I didn't have any problems renewing my TN Visa at the Consulate. If you want to apply for a TN Visa, Why pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer?, Go with TN Visa Expert!!.

Google Review Verified Stamp True Shield

- Jose Padilla
Applied at US Consulate Ciudad Juarez
Originally from Mexico, now working in Texas, USA

How Do You Know the TN Visa Expert Kit Works?

This Kit was created with the help of lawyers so you can rest assured that it is accurate and precise... I should clarify that this kit is not legal jargon, but easy to understand and follow, step-by-step instructions through every section of this process.

On top of that lawyers are even buying the TN Visa Exper Kit, using it to help their clients and charging over $1,500!!! So why would you pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer when you can obtain this complete kit with a small investment.

There are specific instructions for Canadians, Mexicans and Americans, on the differences in the process, based on which country you live in and where you are heading as well as the correct terminology to use to avoid the Immigration Officer's scrutiny.

I will also provide you with a chapter on the best border locations to cross... in addition to how to obtain a green card using a TN visa.

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100% Money Back Guarantee

In fact, I am so confident in the TN Visa Expert Kit I am offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

That’s right, This is a no obligation purchase of the TN Visa Expert Kit... You will receive the kit within 10 minutes of purchase and within 15 minutes you will know if it’s right for you.. If you feel this is not for you or if you do not successfully obtain your TN Visa, we will refund your money. 100% Guaranteed!!!

I am a firm believer in the old saying “If you give someone a fish you can feed them for a day, but if you teach them to fish you feed them for a lifetime”...

That’s why your purchase is a lifetime access to this visa. The kit teaches you how to get this visa everytime you have a new job. It is also perfect for renewing your application... just open the kit and follow the step by step instructions outlined in the renewal section. Keep it safe and refer to it for years to come...for only a one time purchase.

Limited Time, Special Offer Save 17%

G. Jamal - TN Visa Expert Founder

P.S. Remember, not only will the TN Visa Kit provide you with the information you desperately need to cross the border in a time efficient manner, it will give you the peace of mind and hope for the future you deserve. Order your kit and jumpstart your future today!