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Does TN Visa Require Sponsorship?

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Created under NAFTA, now USMCA, the TN Visa allows Canadian and Mexican citizens to work in the U.S. at a professional level.

What is a TN Visa?

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Requirements for a TN Visa

Must be a Canadian or Mexican citizen with a professional job offer from a U.S. employer in a qualifying profession.

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Does TN Visa Require Sponsorship?

Yes, but simpler! You need a job offer and a support letter from a U.S. employer, not the stringent requirements like other visas.

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Mexican nationals must apply abroad, while Canadians can apply directly at a U.S. port of entry. A support letter from the employer detailing the job offer is essential.

Applying for the TN Visa

Common Misconceptions

Contrary to popular belief, employers do not have to undertake rigorous processes or pay fees associated with TN visa sponsorship.

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Benefits of the TN Visa

No annual cap, renewable status, and allows family members on derivative TD visas. Simplified application and employer support make TN attractive.

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Citizenship, profession, job offer, and qualifications play crucial roles in determining eligibility for TN visa sponsorship.

Who Needs TN Visa Sponsorship?