American citizens who are continual residents in Macedonia or Kosovo may file immigrant visa petitions for their spouses or children directly with the Embassy in Skopje.
To make an appointment, petitioners may email the Consular Section at consularskopje@state.gov with:
– The name of the American citizen petitioner,
– The name of the foreign national beneficiary,
– The date that the petitioner began residing in Macedonia or Kosovo.
American citizens filing a petition for a husband or wife should also include the date of the marriage.
The Embassy is only authorized to accept petitions from American citizens who have been continuously residing in Macedonia or Kosovo for at least six months prior to the filing date.
The petitioner must submit proof of their residence to the embassy before it may be accepted.
Per recent guidance from the State Department, temporary visitors, students and persons who are not continual residents of the consular districts may not file petitions with the embassy. Meeting the six month requirement for presence within the consular district may not be sufficient in itself to file a petition at the embassy.