TN1 and TN2 visas for Canadian and Mexican
What is a TN Visa?
TN Visa – is a temporary working permit allowing Canadians, Americans and Mexicans to work in the United States, Canada and/or Mexico. It is a visa or work status that can be obtained at the border upon entering the respective country.

Under NAFTA, the TN Visa, or TN1 Visa, enables the following people to work up to three years at a time:
- Canadian citizens to work in the U.S.
- American citizens to work in Canada
- Mexican citizens to work in the U.S.
The TN Visa Expert Kit can be used in all three of the above scenarios. The TN Visa Expert Kit will have you understand all the details of how to create a successful TN Visa Application.

The information about TN Visa is based on the new treaty USMCA – United States Mexico Canada Agreement (previously known as NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement). As of July 1, 2020, the USMCA is the “new NAFTA” agreement to promote and facilitate cross-border trade between the three countries.
For work visas, such as the TN Visa, no changes were made to the treaty agreement. All the original NAFTA regulations for TN1 Visa applicants to work in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico remains the same
The USMCA TN Visa still requires a free form visa application to be submitted for an occupation listed in the official NAFTA professional list, an application letter, the correct supporting documents, and a nominal application fee.
Note: Technically, there is a difference between a visa, a work status, and a work permit.
Advantages of The TN Visa
Main advantages of the TN Visa over other U.S. Immigration visas:
- Can be obtained quickly
- Can be obtained at the border and no petition to U.S. Immigration is required (for Canadians)
- No annual limits on the number of TN Visas issued (H-1B has limits)
- Very beneficial for employers who want to hire someone quickly
- Can be renewed indefinitely
- Valid for up to 3 years (new ruling effective Oct 16, 2008).
TN Visa Requirements:
Under USMCA, this is a special work status and you should understand the TN Visa Requirements before you submit your application. Many applicants don’t realize their initial application requires you to apply in person at a border crossing or airport. That means you will stand in front of a Customs Border Patrol Officer, handing them your application and requesting a TN-1 visa. And that also means you will need a TN Border Interview Kit for a successful conversation with the CBP officer. The Officer will review your application documents and start asking your questions. This is the start of the Border interview which you want to ensure you respond correctly. You don’t want to say too much or not enough. Don’t say the wrong things and most importantly don’t provide the wrong supporting documents as this can lead to problems. Review this TN Visa checklist before you apply. A few of the important requirements to understand are:
- You must be a Canadian, Mexican or American citizen
- You have a temporary intent to work and live in the country
- You have a valid application letter (not offer letter) showing how you and the job qualify under USMCA (or NAFTA). See the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition for more details and sample letters.
TN Visa Jobs
You can apply for a TN Visa once you have a job offer. If you do not have a job offer, the TN Visa Expert can help you understand which occupations qualify under the NAFTA agreement and give you tricks and tips for applying for jobs. Being familiar with the TN Visa Application Process will help you confidently explain to potential employers how the TN Visa works and answer any questions or concerns they might have. When an employer can see how informed and confident you are, they will be more inclined to consider hiring you, making the process quicker and easier.
What Are the USMCA (NAFTA) Professions?
The USMCA Professions list (of NAFTA Job list) are the 62 official occupations approved for applicants to work in the US, Canada and Mexico with the TN Visa. These 62 occupations does not cover all possible jobs in the workplace. Many jobs not requiring a degree will not qualify. This is because NAFTA jobs are for Professionals.
TN visa profession list includes:
- Agriculturist
- Animal breeder
- Animal scientist
- Dietician
- Dentist
- Engineer
- Economist
- Graphic designer
- Geneticist
- Land surveyor
- Librarian
- Lawyer
- Mathematician
- Medical professional
- Research assistant
- Social worker
- Silviculturist
- University professor
- Technical Publications Writer
- Zoologist
- And many more (NAFTA Job list)
There are a few exceptions such as the Management Consultant and Scientific Technician jobs which do not require a degree or formal education. Work experience for these Occupations is valid. The 62 NAFT Job occupations can cover most degreed positions. There are thousands of different Job Titles, but learning how to apply it to obtain the TN Visa is a skill. We teach you this. Writing your application letter clearly explaining how you and the job meet the NAFTA requirements is a skill. Immigration Officers are looking for inconsistencies and mistakes in your application letter. Learning to write a good successful TN Visa application letter is important. We teach you these skills in the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition with step-by-step instructions and sample letters.
Requirements for American Citizens to work in Canada
Under USMCA (NAFTA) Americans are able to work in Canada. Under normal circumstances when an American wants to work in Canada, the Canadian employer must complete a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).If an American qualifies under USMCA and gets a TN Visa, they do not need to get an LMIA completed. This work permis is not required. This allows an American to start working in Canada quickly and more easily. Using the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition, an American can start working within 3 days!It is important to obtain all the supporting documents as well as completing a well-written TN Visa application letter. This is different from a contract or offer letter. As explained in the TN Visa Expert Kit, using an offer letter can lead to denials since it does not address all the information an Immigration Officer is looking for to determine if the applicant and the job qualifies under USMCA (NAFTA).
TN-1 Requirements for Canadians:
The TN1 Visa also known as the TN Visa allows Canadians to work in the US. The TN1 requirements for Canadians are easier and allows Canadians to obtain their TN Visa in 3 days if you follow the instructions outlined in the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition. This is possible because Canadians are able to enter the US under a special status, so applying for the TN1 Visa is easier and quicker. It is important to understand the TN1 requirements, verify you have all the supporting documents based on your education, the USMCA (or NAFTA) Occupation you are applying for and your job requirements.Since you will be applying for your initial TN1 Visa in person at the border or airport, you want to understand what to say and what not to say to the Immigration Officer. They will begin asking you questions, and you should know the requirements so you do not contradict yourself and make the Officer suspicious. Preparing for this border interview and the questions you will be asked is important to help you successfully obtain your TN1 Visa. Read the Border Preparation chapter in the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition.
TN-2 Requirements for Mexican Citizens:
The TN2 Visa allows Mexicans to work in the US. The TN2 requirements is not as easy as the TN1 visa, you want to plan ahead and ensure your US employer understands it can take several weeks to obtain. The main requirements for the TN2 visa is similar to the TN1 visa. The requirements are as follows:
- You must be a Mexican citizen
- Your intention to work in the US is of a temporary nature
- The job you are applying for is on the USMCA NAFTA Job List
- You have a valid TN Visa application letter, showing how you and the job qualify for the TN2 Visa. See the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition for sample letters and the additional supporting documents.Once you meet these requirements, you can schedule an appointment at the US Embassy/Consulate in Mexico to request a TN2 Visa. This is further explained in the TN Visa Expert Kit. Read the chapter: TN2 Visa requirements for Mexicans.
How Much is a TN Visa?
The TN Visa cost can be very low or high depending on how you decide to apply.
Applying at the border or airport in person is very inexpensive.
It will cost you $56 USD. Applying by mail costs $460 USD. You can read additional detailed TN Visa Cost.
How Long is the TN Visa Valid For?
The TN Visa can be valid for up to 3 years at a time with unlimited renewals. It is important to understand the application letter is a request by the Employer to the Immigration Officer to allow you to work in the US, Canada or Mexico. This can be a 5 day request, a 1 year or a 3 year request. The application letter should state how long is required.
One of the most common mistakes applicants make which gets them denied is to simply give their contract or offer letter to the Immigration Officer and hope they approve the request. Learn the difference between an offer letter and an application letter. Then follow the instructions we provide you and create your TN Visa application letter.
Dependents Of The TN Visa Holder (TD VISA)
Spouses and unmarried children of the TN Visa holder will be admitted into the U.S. under a TD (Free Trade Dependent) status. Proof of relationship must be provided. Spouses and children cannot work while in the U.S. under TD status.
The TN Visa Expert will inform you how to easily and successfully obtain the TD Visa for your dependents.
Disadvantages Of The TN Visa
Main disadvantages of the TN Visa over other U.S. Immigration visas:
- Valid only for certain occupations
- Not a dual intent visa; therefore, it may be problematic to apply for permanent residence
- Mexicans must obtain a visa application at a U.S. Consulate prior to entry into the U.S.
One of the most common mistakes applicants make which gets them denied is to simply give their contract or offer letter to the Immigration Officer and hope they approve the request. Learn the difference between an offer letter and an application letter. Then follow the instructions we provide you and create your TN Visa application letter.
Spouses and unmarried children of the TN Visa holder will be admitted into the U.S. under a TD (Free Trade Dependent) status. Proof of relationship must be provided. Spouses and children cannot work while in the U.S. under TD status.
The TN Visa Expert Kit will inform you how to easily and successfully obtain the TD Visa for your dependents.
Learn TN Visa Strategies for Long Term Stay in the US and Canada

Getting a TN Visa is easy if you follow the instructions on this site and in the TN Visa Expert Kit. Once you obtain your TN Visa, you will have so many questions and this is where the real challenge begins. Jacob Sapochnick, the Founder of TN Visa Expert, lived in the US on a TN Visa for 11 years and he can help you learn strategies to successfully live in the US and Canada long term so you can build your career, have a family and create your life where you love to live. Jacob will discuss many of the first-year questions you may have including:
- Setting up your SSN, how to start working while your SSN is processing
- Important discussions to have with your employer after starting, prior to renewal time
- Dealing with the TN Visa temporary intent requirement for long term living in the US
- Building your Credit score in the US
- Tax Issues to consider
- How to build a long term career in the US
- Due to the temporary intent TN Visa requirement, discuss how to avoid problems if you decide to stay longer
- Answer any questions you may have.If you want to schedule a phone call with Jacob, click this email link:
How Our Immigration Lawyers Can Help?
The TN1 Visa process can be confusing but it doesn’t have to be. Applying for the TN Visa can be easy if you uThe TN1 Visa process can be confusing but it doesn’t have to be. Applying for a TN Visa can be easy if you understand some of the essential requirements before you start.
We are here to provide you with the support you need. If you want to talk to a lawyer for legal advice or consultation with Jacob Sapochnick, our founder, for general discussion and strategies contact us and we can schedule a call.
If you want to do the application yourself, you can download the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition and get started.
If you have any questions, email us and we are happy to assist.
Once you learn how to apply and successfully obtain your TN Visa, you can live your dreams! We will support you as much or as little as you need – just let us know.