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TN Visa Employer/Application Letter

The TN Visa Employer Letter is one of the most important aspects of the TN Visa Application. Its sole purpose is to inform the Immigration officer how you and the job meet the qualifications for the TN Visa. Remember, the TN Visa Employer letter is not the same as your employer’s offer letter. The TN Visa Employer Letter contains information about your job, your employer, and several other aspects that show you meet the criteria of the TN Visa under NAFTA.

How important is the TN Visa Employer Letter?

The TN visa letter is crucial for a successful application, explaining how the job and applicant meet TN Visa criteria under NAFTA. It must be carefully crafted, often with employer collaboration, and tailored especially after denials or for renewals to avoid rejection by immigration officers.

The TN Visa Employer Letter is extremely important. It can mean the difference between successfully obtaining your TN Visa or having your TN Visa being refused.

The TN Visa Application process is very subjective. Since 9/11 and the various terrorist attacks, the Immigration Officers scrutinize each application more carefully. The TN Visa Employer Letter is one of the most important parts of the TN Visa Application. If the Immigration Officer has any doubts about your qualifications, you will be denied the TN Visa.

What has also been occurring is the TN Visa denial rate has steadily been increasing. This means more applications are being denied.

Two main reasons for this increased rate can be attributed to:

1) Immigration Officers are scrutinizing TN Visa applications more and validating the TN requests.

2) Applicants are submitting a offer letter which does not clearly explain the requirements the Officer is looking for.

With this increase in denials, it is even more important you strive to avoid your application from being denied and find ways to increase your chances of success. This requires you focus on ensuring your tn visa employer letter is written correctly. One of the best ways to do this it to download the TN Visa Expert Kit – Platinum Edition, review all the tn visa offer letter samples we provide you, follow the steps to write your employer letter and create a great letter the Immigration Officer reads and approves of.

Can I write the TN Visa Employer Letter or does my employer have to write it?

The recommended approach to writing the TN Visa Employer Letter is for you and your employer to do it together.

The TN Visa Expert Application Kit identifies which parts you should write and which parts your employer should complete.

I’ve been denied previously, does my TN Visa Employer Letter need to be different?

Yes, your TN Visa Employer Letter needs to be different. After each TN Visa denial, your application will be more scrutinized and it becomes more difficult to successfully obtain your TN Visa.  It’s not impossible, but more difficult.

The TN Visa Expert Application Kit comes with a Sample Employer Letter after one denial. This will help you to create your Employer Letter.

I am ready to renew my TN Visa, does the TN Visa Renewal Letter need to be different?

A TN Visa renewal letter can be different if you want to strengthen your application and improve your chances of success.

Technically, there is no “renewal” process. You are either extending your TN Visa by filing a Form 1-129 extension petition with USCIS or you are reapplying with another TN Visa application.

Writing a TN Visa offer letter to include information about your previous TN position can be very helpful as it reminds the Officer you’ve already qualified for the TN Visa. Moreover, if you are reapply for the same job with the same employer this gives your application additional strength.

Use the tn visa renewal letter sample in the TN Visa Kit – Platinum Edition to obtain examples of how to write a renewal letter to show the Officer you and your job once again qualify under USMCA/NAFTA.

TN Visa Letter Specific For Your NAFTA Occupation

It is important you obtain a sample TN Visa Employer Letter specific for your NAFTA Occupation. This will provide a reference so you can easily create your own TN Visa Employer Letter specific to your occupation and increase your chances of success.

The TN Visa Expert Kit Platinum Edition provides additional sample TN Visa Employer Letters specific to each NAFTA Occupation.

The TN Visa Expert Kit Gold Edition provides TN Visa sample letters for Zoologist (Animal Keeper, ZooKeeper, etc), and Medical Laboratory Technologist.

How To Create A Great TN Visa Employer Letter

It is of the utmost importance that you prepare your TN Visa Employer Letter so it shows the Immigration Officer exactly how you qualify for the TN Visa. The TN Visa Expert Kit shows you how to write a great TN Visa Employer Letter by providing:

  • A Template Employer Letter
  • Several Sample TN Visa Employer Letters to use as a reference
  • Easy Step-by-Step instructions for how to create your own TN Visa Employer Letter

Main points of the TN Visa Employer Letter

Knowing the main points to include in your employer letter is very important as this quickly shows the Immigration Officer how you and the job qualify.

Here are the main points to include in your employer letter:

1) Show how you qualify under USMCA / NAFTA

2) Show how the job qualifies under USMCA / NAFTA

3) Provide the occupation you are applying for

4) Provide the time period you are requesting for the visa

5) Provide details of the remuneration being offered

The TN Visa Kit – Platinum Edition provides you details of the main points and the additional elements required in your employer letter. Use the Step by Step instructions with easy to follow samples and a tn visa letter template you can use.

Click here for additional tips on Creating a Great TN Visa Employer Letter.