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The Easy Concise Green Card Marriage Interview Guide

Green Card Marriage Interview – Overview

The Green card Marriage Interview is very stressful for most people and rightly so. This is one of the final stages you must complete before you obtain your Green card. There are many hurdles you must overcome during the green card marriage interview process. The Immigration Officer not hoping you qualify nor will they help you during the marriage interview process.

Follow this guide for the Green card marriage interview and you will be increase your chances of obtaining your Green card.

Green Card Marriage Interview – Purpose

If you understand the purpose of the Green card marriage interview it will help you stay calm and overcome the many challenges of this process. The better you understand what the Immigration Officer thinking the easier the Green card marriage interview will be.

The Immigration Officer is attempting to determine two things in the marriage interview. His purpose during the Green card marriage interview is to:

  1. Verify Your Application is Valid
  2. Verify Your Marriage is Real

They want to do this in person, because they want to question you, see how you respond, how you react, etc. They want to have you under oath so if you are caught lying, then they can prosecute you under the full extent of the law.

Marriage visa Tip

When you are under oath, they can ask you any question they want to determine if your application is valid and whether your marriage is for real or not.

Now that you know this, it gives you a lot of power and control if you use it correctly. Stay calm throughout the day and remind yourself of the above 2 objectives that US Immigration has. Then every delay, every question, every stressful moment can be diffused because you will know their purpose, and that this is just their job. You will now be able to complete this marriage interview process with a little more ease and be successful.

Green Card Marriage Interview – What You Must Do

There are many do’s and don’ts when you are applying for your Green card marriage interview, but these are the mandatory items you must ensure otherwise you will be denied your Green card.

1. Be on time for your Marriage Interview

You must be on time for your green card marriage interview. You will receive the date and time in the mail for your Green card marriage interview. Come early and wait. If you are unable to come to the marriage interview on the scheduled date, call ahead and reschedule your marriage interview date. If you are late, your case will be closed and you will not receive your Green card.

2. Have all your Original Documents

When you submitted your Application you provided copies of your supporting documents. Bring all the originals, so the Immigration Officer can verify all the documents. Also have a copy of the documents, in case the Immigration Officer asks for it.

3. Have Documents To Show Your Marriage is Real

The Immigration Officer expects you prove your marriage is real and bonafide. This includes showing wedding photos, wedding invitations, birth certificates of any children you may have together, bills, loans, financial documents or assets that have both your names on it, vacations you have taken together. Refer to the Visa Streamline System’s Checklist for more details.

4. Dress Conservatively

The Immigration Officer is making a subjective decision when approving your Green card application. Anything you can do to have them see you in a favorable light will be to your advantage. First impressions are very important and proven to make a difference. Dress as though you are going to church or a job interview.

A nice long dress or pant suit for women and a long sleeve shirt and tie for men. A suit or blazer is highly preferred. Avoid shirts or jewelry that have logos or symbols on them. You do not want to attract the Immigration Officer’s attention to anything that has them question your or your lifestyle choice.

Marriage visa Tip

Choose your clothes and try them on at least 1 to 2 nights before your Green card marriage interview. We have heard of stories where men have tried a blazer or suit pant only to find it doesn’t fit anymore. Some have found holes or stains on clothes and have had to scramble to find something else to wear. Save yourself the stress.

5. Be Yourself

The Immigration Officer is trained to read subtle cues, body language and the interactions of a couple. They are looking to see if you are comfortable with each other, how you behave together, etc. Do not try to be overly affection or overly sweet with each other. If it appears forced or unnatural this will raise a red flag for them. Be yourself, be kind and considerate with each other will work wonders.

Green Card Marriage Interview – What You Must NOT Do

These are things you should not do otherwise you risk the chances of obtaining your Green card. Some may sound very basic, but when you are in your Green card marriage interview feeling stressed and nervous it is very easy to forget this and cause irreparable damage to your case.

1. Do Not Lie or Make Guesses

Never under any circumstances lie to the Immigration Officer. If they find out you have lied or distorted the truth, they can deny you your Green card and charge you with misrepresentation. If you do not understand the question, ask them to repeat the question or let them know you do not understand. They will then be forced to ask the question differently.

If you do not remember something about your marriage, do not guess. For example, if asked what did you do for your last anniversary and you do not remember – don’t make something up. If they then ask your wife and she states something different the Immigration Officer will start to doubt the validity of your marriage. Simply state you do not remember.

2. Never Lose Your Temper

Always stay calm. Under no circumstance should you get lose control and start talking back to the Officer. They may try to intimidate you or ask questions in a way that is designed to evoke your emotions. Do not take anything personally. If you are sensing your tension rising, simply breath, stop and drink some water.

Benefit of Using Visa Streamline System

You will be prepared for the marriage interview.

Green Card Marriage Interview – Day Of Your Interview

Your Green card marriage interview will essentially be as follows:

1. Arrive at the USCIS building for your interview

Make sure you arrive early, so as not to miss your interview. Show your marriage interview appointment letter to the security guard.

2. Go to the Waiting Area

There will be an Officer here, show your appointment letter. Now, you will wait. Bring a book.

3. Your Turn has Arrived

You will finally be called for your marriage interview. Listen for your name. USCIS will call you by your foreign spouse’s name. Your identify will be verified and you will be asked to take an oath.

4. Your Marriage Interview Begins

This is where the Officer will go through the required stages of the marriage interview.

These stages are as follows:

  • Proof of Identification. Your passports, birth certificates and marriage certificates are reviewed.
  • Verification of Original Documents. You will be asked to show the originals of all the documents you submitted with your initial application.
  • Validity of Marriage. Officer will ask you about your life together. This is where you will show proof of your life together.
  • Proof of Income. You will provide your tax return so the Officer can verify you are above the poverty guidelines.

Green Card Marriage Interview – Possible Outcomes

1. You are approved

This is the case for most couples. The Officer will approve the case and stamp the foreign spouse’s passport with a 30 day stamp. Within these 30 days, your Green card should arrive in the mail. If you have been married for less than 30 days, your Green card is conditional and you will need to renew 90 days before the end of the two years.

2. Not Approved – Waiting FBI Clearance

If your fingerprints have not arrived from the FBI by the time of your marriage interview the Immigration Officer will approve your case and you will call them weekly to determine if the your fingerprints have arrived.

3. Not Approved – More Evidence Required

This does not mean you are being denied Green card by mary. It simply means you…

Green Card Marriage Interview – Next Steps

1. Get your Questions Answered.

If you have any questions about your situation, email us at:

2. Use the Automated Marriage Visa Streamline System

We can help you complete your application quickly, stress-free and with no lawyer fees.

You will:

  • Have all your questions answered. This is part of the service we provide so you have no confusion.
  • Avoid worries since all the USCIS government forms are completed for you.
  • We also complete the USCIS forms required at the Consulate.
  • Do not be stressed. Our system ensures your application is valid and correct so you get your Green Card.
  • Learn the key marriage interview tips to have your interview go smoothly.
  • No high lawyer fees.
  • No risk, we offer a money back guarantee.